– the president of the Competition Jury –


Professor Nenad Merle (Zagreb, 1956) graduated at the Music Acad­emy in Zagreb under prof. Martin Barić. He teaches violin and cham­ber music at Music school Pavao Markovac in Zagreb and is head of strings department. From 1988 to 1991 he served as headmaster.

He educated numerous young violinists. His pupils achieve out­standing performances at concerts and competitions and have won 148 prizes, among which 77 first prizes, 42 second prizes, 10 third prizes, special prize of EMCY, etc. 31 of his 38 pupils who com­pleted secondary schooling in his class became professional violin­ists and graduated at the Music Academy in Zagreb or abroad or are still students at the moment.

Prof. Merle has been a member of jury in regional, national and international competitions.

He is a member of Croatian Associa­tion of Orchestral and Chamber Musicians and realizes a longtime co-operation with a number of orchestras (Gaudeamus string or­chestra, Symphonic Orchestra of Croatian Radio and Television, Croatian Chamber Orchestra, Varaždin Chamber Orchestra, Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra…).

In recognition of his outstanding pedagogical achievements prof. Merle has been appointed head of council of violin and viola teach­ers. In 2002 he received annual award given by Croatian Association of Music and Dance Pedagogues and Ministry of science, education and sports awarded him five times commendation for exceptional pedagogical work. In 2006 he was appointed professor mentor, and in 2008 professor adviser.